Requirement for Hong Kong Import and Export declaration
Here you will find how to complete “Hong Kong Import and Export Declaration”, such as the format, information required in declaration and declaration made to other governments.
FAQs for Hong Kong Import and Export declaration
1. Does the cargo sample need to be declared?
Samples with a value below HKD1000 may not be declared, but please keep the relevant invoices. The government can ask you the reason for not declare within 2 years.
Samples with a value of HKD1000 or above must be declared. If it is not a sample, customs declaration is required regardless of the value of the goods.
2. Do I have to provide a value for the sample?
Yes. Even though buyers aren’t normally charged for the sample, sellers must declare an accurate value — if you’re not sure what it’s worth, ask yourself, ‘how much would this sample cost to replace?’.
3. How much is the capped for import and export declaration?
The charge for each import and export declaration will be capped at $200. The cap will apply to goods imported, exported or re-exported to and from Hong Kong.
4. In the case of under-reported article(s) value in an import/export declaration, how are the possible extra charge and penalty calculated?
The possible extra charge payable in respect of under-reported article(s) value in an import/export declaration is assessed with reference to the difference between the declaration charge based on the originally declared value of article(s) and the declaration charge that would have been payable based on the actual or fair value of the relevant article(s). The penalty is up to 20 times of the extra charge and capped at $10,000.
The ceiling of $200 imposed on the declaration charge is not applicable to the computation of the extra charge.
5. Which personal items need to be declared?
1. Articles purchased by individuals and shipped to / from Hong Kong via freight companies / courier companies / other transport companies, whether for trade or personal use, must be declared.
2. Items purchased by individuals outside Hong Kong and items carried in personal baggage for trade purposes upon return to Hong Kong need to be declared, with the exception of items for personal use.
3. Purchases and shipments by mail to Hong Kong worth more than 4,000 Hong Kong dollars require customs declaration.
Those personal items need to be declared.